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Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Morning Weigh In

Well - I have been back on the BDP's for about a week now. The weekend went good, and I am finding that the cravings are diminishing more and more each day. I am getting fuller faster, and snacking has decreased alot. I weighed in this morning, and I am down 3.4 lbs. Not too shabby for the 1st week. :) I continue onward and forward.

I was starving this morning, and had a few crackers and I am satisfied. I have also placed an order for the F1's. There is apparently a new formula that is supposed to be a "miracle". We'll see what happens with those. I will give my body a break and then try those out...and let you know how they work.

I also got in touch with the local fitness club. I haven't decided which way I am going to go yet....exercise at home, or I could go and walk at the school...or fork it out and get a membership that I may or may not use. I am one of those people who will sign up for something and then never use it. I got suckered into a 12 month contract at Massage Envy - 50 bucks a month, and I have yet to use 10 massages. UGH! If I cancel, then I lose those massages...but, if I keep paying for them, then they pile up!!!! GRRRR!!!! Why do I do that to myself? I also happened upon my bank account, and started going through the statements, and realized that I had been paying 17bucks a month for the online weight watchers program for the past year! It's no wonder I never have any money! Lol

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, January 8, 2010


It has been a pretty good week for me. I have kept on the BDP's, and my appetite has been steadily decreasing, I haven't been snacking at night, and I find that when I open the fridge - nothing is appealing. This is exactly what I am looking for. I think that I may buy another kit of the F1's....just to have in the interim, plus - they have a new formula out that I haven't tried yet. I will weigh myself on Monday, and hopefully, I will be down a couple of pounds. I feel better in my own skin...so, I am hoping that will account for something.

None of you really know anything about me. I am a 33 year old mother of 3 - two boys and 1 girl. My husband and I have been together since 1997, married since 2002. I work full time, and he stays home with the kids - some men would LOVE this, however, he doesn't. I wish that he would work, but he has been out of work for so long that he has a hard time getting motivated, and lacks the confidence to go out there and pound the pavement. Don't get me wrong - he HAS tried, and been rejected countless times. So, needless to say - finances are tight. We have been through hell and back over the past 2-3 years. Our middle child (son) was diagnosed as having Aspbergers Syndrome, which is a form of Autism. I love him dearly, but it is a day to day challenge and struggle. My oldest is a "pre-teen" (son), and his hormones are raging....while my daughter, who is three, just sits and soaks it all in. We'll see what happens when she becomes a teenager.

My weight problems aren't a "new thing" for me. I caught it this time before things get out of control. I lost 55 lbs....and gained back 20....but, all I have to say is at least it wasn't 60 this time. I would like to lose a total of 100 lbs - but would be happy with a total of 80 (which is about 43 lbs from where I am now). Where I go from there, only time will tell. Now that I look at it though, 43 pounds isn't such a huge number! That has made my Friday. Now....if i could just fit into those size 16's again and BREATHE!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well - I am on day 3 of the BDP's again. After being off of any type of aid for so long, I finally feel like I am getting back into control again. I went to the doctor yesterday, because I have been having MAJOR pms - I almost think that it's PMDD. Anyways, during "this time", I am normally a pig. I eat and eat and eat....and then all I want to do is sleep. I can't focus, I am a raging b*tch....you get the picture. But, my appetite has been under control, and the snacking has decreased significantly. That could be a result of the pills, OR...the fact that my boss went into labor and had her baby yesterday. I am not saying that it stressed me out...just that with her nurturing - she was feeding us all the time. I am not even KIDDING! Baking cheesecakes...cookies...food food food. My lifelong best friend, and worst enemy. So anyways - back to the doctor. I got weighed, and what I had THOUGHT was only a 12 lb weight gain since August....was more like 20. UGH! SICK! SICK! SICK! But, the doctor prescribed me YAZ, and Klonopin (which I love). I am a bit perturbed about the YAZ though - I got my tubes tied in November so that I could have the freedom of being off of birth control....and then, lovely - I get put back on...NOT so that I can't get pregnant...so that I don't kill my husband. Oh how I love being a woman.

The BDP's are working great. I have no appetite, energy...and am starting to get full very quickly. I am also starting to have that "nothing really sounds good" thing going on in my head. This is my BIGGEST battle with keeping weight off. Here's to a skinny 2010!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Diet Pills Tried

Phen Fen (no longer available)
Emagrece Sim (no longer available - anything out there on the internet is fake - so don't buy it)
F1 (Formula 1) (still available, pretty good)
Acai (ugh)
Emagrecadora (no longer available)
Hoodia (If you buy this - you are being scammed - research Hoodia on Wikepedia)
Phentermine - alone - you can get this as a prescription, however, there are doctors that are hesitant to prescribe because of the lawsuits. I am not a personal fan.
Metformin - Not a miracle weight loss aid - but can help SOME - also a prescription, mostly used for diabetics to help control their blood sugar
The List goes on and on and on
What I have found, is that if you don't spend a decent amount (and I don't mean 50 bucks)...they won't work. Asian diet pills, in their true form - scare me. Pretty much anything that comes out of Brazil is great - but, don't always count on them being dependable.

Feel free to comment - if you have something good that you have tried, you might as well let us know (if there ARE any of us) :)

The journey is never ending

So, I decided to create a blog. Again. :) This blog isn't to "support" weight loss aids, however, I have never been able to lose weight without the aid of them. Some people may think that it's because I have no self control - and I suppose you could say that, but I don't like to see that as my reality. Reality is, I am fat. Heavy, overweight, chubby...."heavy bones, too much blood" - however you see it, it's reality for me. It has been a battle for about 12 years now. The ups and downs are emotional, sometimes I feel great, others I feel like a cow. I recently lost about 55lbs, kept it off....and now 12 (15) pounds has crept back on in the past 5 months. It's winter, I can't exercise (excuses)...it's Minnesota...I really CAN'T get out and walk right now without getting frostbite, or losing the use of my legs. So, I am thinking that I will get some new exercise videos, and there have been a couple that have caught my eye. So - the reviews for that will come in a later post when I get to that.

I like to exercise, I really do. My mood is elevated, my body feels strong. I like the break that I get from my kids, and I even like the break that I get WITH them, when I bring them along. The paths are frozen over now, so the bikerides and walks will have to wait until spring.

On to what this blog is meant to be about. Diet aids. I have tried them ALL. The miracle Phen-fen (no comments necessary) is no longer there, and there has only been two things that have lived up to that miracle. Emagrece Sim, and Brazilian Diet Pills. Now - I am not claiming to know anything about these in their current state - however, I have been searching and searching, and wasting my money trying to find something that is comparable. The truth is, nothing that is sold legally here in the States can compare. Emagrece made you feel invincible. Food disgusted you, your energy level was amazing, and your mood was mellow. No racing heart...or anything like that. Then, the manufacturer had to go and get busted for money laundering or something along that line. Same with the Brazilian Diet pills - they got busted here in the United States a few months ago as well. I know alot of people will disagree with me, but there has to be something out there that can help you legally. I mean, the obesity rate in the United States is out of control - yet they control and take away these pills that help you so much. Not like the crappy prescription meds that make you crap oil....or just don't work, yet you waste as much (if not more) money on LEGAL meds that don't work. I don't know what this blog is going to turn in to. Hopefully, I'll get some followers that care (obsessed) about this as much as I do.

I am a parent, I care about my family, my life...my body. Don't preach to me about doing things the "healthy" way. I KNOW how to diet. I need that extra boost of support.....something to take that voice out of my head saying "eat that...it looks delicious". It's a never ending battle - and what is worse for me: Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, shortness of breath, sleeping problems....the list goes on and on and on.